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5 Ways to Seamlessly Connect OpenAI to Slack for Your Team

Discover 5 practical ways to integrate OpenAI with Slack, from no-code solutions to custom coding. Learn how to easily bring AI to your workspace and enhance team productivity.

Snow Lee
Snow Lee

Generative AI is transforming workplaces by automating tasks, improving decision-making, and providing real-time assistance. Integrating AI tools like OpenAI into platforms such as Slack can bring immediate value to your teams, helping them collaborate more effectively and work smarter.

However, connecting AI systems to Slack isn't always straightforward. It can take time and effort, especially if you don't have the right tools. In this guide, we'll walk you through several ways to integrate OpenAI with Slack, from simple, no-code solutions to custom integrations, so you can choose the best approach for your business.

Why You Need AI in Slack

Integrating AI into Slack can:

  • Save time by automating routine tasks.
  • Provide instant support to your team through real-time responses.
  • Improve decision-making by giving employees quick access to key data and insights.

Now, let's look at how you can make this happen.


Option 1: Writing Custom Code

If your team has developers and wants complete control, you can write custom code to connect OpenAI with Slack. Both platforms provide API support (Slack API, OpenAI API), so you can tailor the integration to your specific needs.


  • Full control: You can create custom workflows, commands, and interactions that fit your exact business requirements.


  • Time-consuming: Writing code and setting up servers takes significant time and effort.
  • Ongoing maintenance: You'll need to keep the system updated as Slack and OpenAI change their APIs.

Option 2: Runbear

Runbear is a powerful, no-code solution designed to easily connect OpenAI with Slack in under 10 minutes. With Runbear, you don't need to be a tech expert to integrate AI into your workflows.


  • No coding required: Anyone can set this up, no technical skills needed.
  • Fast integration: You can have OpenAI running in Slack in 10 minutes.
  • Additional features: Beyond basic AI functions, Runbear allows you to integrate knowledge bases like Google Drive, fetch content from websites, and create custom user experiences within Slack.


  • Costs for full features: Runbear offers free plans, but advanced features require a subscription.

Option 3: Zapier

Zapier is another no-code tool that allows you to automate tasks and connect OpenAI to Slack. Zapier is known for its simplicity and is widely used for basic automation.


  • No-coding needed: Like Runbear, Zapier doesn't require technical knowledge.
  • Wide integrations: You can use Zapier to integrate automations other than OpenAI and Slack.


  • Complex setup: The setup process can be challenging. For step-by-step instructions, refer to this guide.
  • Limited customization: You don't have as much control over AI behavior as with other solutions.
  • Challenging to scale: Managing multiple AI bots or complex workflows can be difficult.
  • Costs: Zapier pricing model is not optimized for AI usage.

Option 4: Make

Make is similar to Zapier, offering no-code integrations between platforms like Slack and OpenAI.


  • Cost-effective: Make is often cheaper than Zapier for similar features.
  • No coding required: Anyone can set up the integrations without technical help.


  • Less user-friendly: Make can be more difficult to navigate compared to Zapier or Runbear.
  • Costs: Cheaper than Zapier, but expensive than Runbear.

Option 5: Hiring an AI Consultant

If you want a completely hands-off approach, you can hire an AI consultant to handle the integration for you. A consultant can assess your needs and implement the solution that fits your business.


  • No effort on your part: The consultant will manage everything from setup to maintenance.
  • Customized solutions: The consultant can tailor the integration to your specific business needs.


  • Higher costs: Hiring a consultant is the most expensive option.


Bringing OpenAI into Slack can have a significant impact on your business by improving productivity and enabling smarter collaboration. Whether you want to handle it in-house or prefer a hands-off approach, there are several ways to get AI integrated into Slack.

  • For quick and easy integration with powerful features, Runbear offers the best balance of simplicity and functionality.
  • If you need full control over the process and have technical expertise, a custom-coded integration might be your answer.

Whichever option you choose, integrating OpenAI into Slack will help your business stay ahead in a rapidly evolving, AI-driven world.